#StayHome: We have nothing to play for? Let’s learn about Easter amenities and games

In the realm of children’s rights, one of the rights is also that of freedom of thought, conscience and religion. Every child has the right to freely express religion or belief.

The family is the environment in which the rights of children are first introduced to and exercised. By educating our children, we pass on our knowledge and values, but we also teach them and help them discover them. By teaching us about customs and beliefs, we enrich the children’s world and support children’s right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. No matter what the child’s or family’s beliefs or beliefs are, we teach children to respect, accept and appreciate the richness of diversity.


“The Indicator”: From ancient times, people have been telling stories

Since ancient times, as far as we know, people have been telling stories. One theory is that stories have already been told in caves and have been unstoppably ever since. Until the letter appeared, but then, stories were transmitted by listening. They were transmitted by a “cursor”. As they were not recorded, talking from talking was different. And as they were not written down, each was different, new. How many times have your child interrupted in a story you are repeating, or have corrected you because they noticed you changed something.

Well, start talking. Each new story, new piece, is different from any previous one.

It’s time for the Christian holiday, Easter. Tell the child the meaning of the word Easter, when it is celebrated, about traditional preparations and the importance of this holiday for believers. Don’t forget to ask your child what he or she knows about Easter. While teaching, you can certainly reach out to the encyclopedia or to the Internet.

In addition to the celebration of Easter, many customs have developed which differ from the countries in which Easter is celebrated. Explore customs in Croatia and beyond. You may or may not have been involved in some of them. If so, encourage each individual family member to “jump into the shoes of the curler” during the holiday meal. You can start from the oldest. Let him share with you a story from the past, about customs as he grew up, with memories of the customs of his family, the place he grew up in. Finally, let the child say it. Let him tell you if he remembers the past year or so, the way you or someone he knew celebrated Easter.


  • “Easter eggs” – Egg dyeing (or making Easter eggs) is very attractive to children and is part of the Croatian Easter tradition. Once upon a time, eggs were feared for what was available to the household (red onion, spinach, soot, beetroot, various berries, nettle). You can also reach out and show your child one of the ways to decorate Easter eggs. The child can also decorate the flushed eggs that you will receive by “blowing out” the contents of the eggs. You will need patience and caution to avoid breaking the egg. Make a hole on both sides of the egg with a sharp object. When you widen the holes, push one of the sticks through them to “scatter the egg. You can now leave the job to your child by blowing the contents of one blow hole. When the egg is dried, it is ready to be colored.
  • “Cracked egg” – Have the child take one boiled egg and choose who to fight it with. Opponents of the egg cracked their tops with each other, and the one whose egg remains intact wins. The winner continues the game by choosing a new opponent.
  • “The Search” – Pick eggs and hide them in the household. Have the kids look for them. You can also add a “hidden treasure” folder to the game, which you will hand over to the children before searching. To avoid any unpleasant surprises (forgotten eggs), count the eggs before hiding.
  • “Roll” – In the household, select an egg rolling area and mark the start and destination. Each participant should choose his or her own writing pad and kneel to the start. Mark the beginning of the game. The winner is the one who, with his nose (not using other parts of the body), finishes the undamaged stationery to the finish line. If you so agree, you can arm participants with sticks that will push the egg to the target in an upright position. Empty eggs can also be pushed through the straws. (Do you remember the game with pencils that were “pushed” along the drawn path on paper? Similarly, it can be played with eggs just adjust the path!)
  • “Slide” – Choose a home area for making slides made of books, pillows and other items, and try to make a path that (without breaking, of course) can be lowered to Easter eggs. The challenge lies in making as long and steep a slide as possible.
  •  “Pass” – This game is meant to be played with raw eggs but when played indoors it is recommended to use boiled. The object of the game is to add an egg for as long as possible without falling to the floor. If enough of you are in the household, you can arrange for couples to compete with each other
  • “Dance” – It is also possible to dance. Lay eggs on the floor of the room and turn on the music. Dance with caution to avoid stepping on the eggs. For more challenges, you can also dance with a blindfold. ” Try dancing some dancing in a pair of heads together, holding the egg to your foreheads.


“Sprint” – If you have enough room in the household for not just a race, but a brisk walk, play this game as well, but choose the boiled eggs again. Each participant should choose a card and a spoon in which to place the card. Mark start and finish. The winner is the one who first takes aim with the egg in the spoon. The younger ones are allowed to hold the spoon with one hand and the older teeth. If someone drops an egg during a race, it returns to the beginning and starts from the beginning.


By: Tamara Gojković, BSc. social worker



Dujmović Markusi, D., Rossetti-Bazdan, S. (2019). Književni vremeplov 1 ; čitanka za prvi razred gimnazije i četverogodišnjih strukovnih škola. [Literary Time Machine 1; a reading book for the first grade of high school and four-year vocational schools]. Zagreb: Profil Klett

Hlača, N., Popović, P. (2009). Pravo djeteta na slobodu savjesti i vjeroispovjedi. [The right of the child to freedom of conscience and religion]. Bogoslovska smotra. 79 (2), 275-303. http:// hrcak.srce.hr/38168 [accessed 6th April 2020]


Disclaimer: This is unofficial translation provided for information purposes. Zagreb Child and Youth Protection Center cannot be held legally responsible for any translation inaccuracy. 

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