Scientific work of Zagreb Child and Youth Protection Center’s experts: “Children behind closed doors due to COVID-19 Isolation: abuse, neglect and domestic violence”

In the International Scientific Journal of the Archives of Psychiatry Research: An International Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences, Vol. 56 No. 1 2, from April 2020, which since 1965, the issue of Psychiatric Department of the University Hospital Center of the Sisters of Mercy, published as two scientific work of Croatian authors about mental health and coronavirus. Zagreb Child and Youth Protection Center’s experts, psychologists Mia Roje Đapić, prof. Gordana Buljan Flander, PhD and Krešimir Prijatelj published the review work under the title: “Children behind closed doors due to Covide-19 Insulation: abuse, neglect and domestic violence (pp. 181-192)” in which yields an analysis of the American and European literature and scientific knowledge about integration of abuse and neglect of children in times of social crisis, and recent papers published in the current Covide-19 crisis on this topic  This work presents an overview of the current clinical and empirical experience of other countries in respect to rates of abuse and neglect of children in times of health and other crises, as well as the analysis of the trends of recent data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, with practical guidelines for enhanced protection of children in this period. Child abuse and neglect during the crisis period is increasing, but less is declared: because that the Zagreb Child and Youth Protection Center, the Ministry of Interior and agencies Degordian launched a campaign “Behind these doors lives Mia – call 192” which are taken by some other European countries. (The text of the work on the English language follows the below)

Experts of KBC Sisters of Mercy psychiatrists Vjekoslav Peitl, PhD; Vedrana Golubić Zatezalo and prof. Dalibor Karlovic, PhD, published the paper „Mental Health Issues and Psychological Crisis Interventions During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Earthquakes in Croatia (str.193-198)“.


Summary of work “Children behind closed doors due to Covide-19 Insulation: abuse, neglect and domestic violence ”

Abuse and neglect of children is a public health issue at a global, European, and Croatian level, with significant rates of morbidity and mortality. Actual circumstances of a health crisis generate and aggravate a series of risk factors for child abuse and neglect at the level of the child and parent characteristics, family dynamics and the wider social environment. Isolation and quarantine possibly leading to social exclusion, represent a serious risk for child abuse and neglect, possibly also being the reason for fewer reports. This paper reviews clinical and empirical studies related to the rates of abuse and neglect of children during health and other crises in other countries. It also analyses trends of recent data of the Ministry of Interior with practical guidelines for improved child protection in this period.


The full text can be downloaded on the English language from the scientific base HRČAK in PDF HERE

Disclaimer: This is unofficial translation provided for information purposes. Zagreb Child and Youth Protection Center cannot be held legally responsible for any translation inaccuracy.   


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