Mental health professionals active in Save the Children Romania in the project of helping the traumatised children (The Center for Emotional and Behaviour Education) visited the Child Protection Center of Zagreb on 24 and 25 March 2010. This project is being conducted with the support and technical aid of Save the Children Norway – their southeast European branch located in Sarajevo. Project coordinator is Tomasso Diegoli.
Apart from experience exchange, Center’s professionals held a two-day training for their Romanian colleagues (psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers). Presentations and lectures included: multidisciplinary approach in working with abused and neglected children, approach to hyperactive children, working with children exposed to peer bullying at school, traumatised children treatment, interventions in working with traumatised children’s parents and the development of cooperation with other institutions within the health care, social welfare and education systems.
Such exchange of experience is extremely important for the Romanian as well as the Center’s professionals and opens opportunities for further cooperation and support.