60 world’s top experts in 24 hours on-line talk show on child sexual abuse
TAALK (Talk About Abuse to Liberate Kids), a non-profit organization, announces it`s first live on-line talk-show, dedicated to the international issue of child sexual abuse. TAALK has gathered more than 60 of the world’s top experts and leaders in the child sexual abuse arena, which will be speaking about this issue during 24h, starting on April 29th, at 17 p.m. (Croatian time). Gordana Buljan Flander, Associate Professor and the Child Protection Centre’s Director was also invited by Councile of Europe to participate in this show.
Our Principal’s topic will be „Examples of existing practices in the member states of the Council of Europe to help child victims and to prevent sexual violence“, as well as to share the working model of Child Protection Centre. She will also speak about specific needs of the sexually abused children, about ways of support that a non-abusive parents need, and abut importance of a muldidisciplinary approach in dealing with problems of sexually abused children.
Ms Marja Ruotanen, and Ms Regina Jensdottir, from Councile of Europe will also take place in this show.
Buljan Flander`s scheduled start speaking time is on Saturday, April 30th, 2:45-3:00 p.m. (Croatian time). Talk show can be watched on-line, and in order to registrate for free, as well as to see detailed informations about speakers and their topics, visit http://www.taalk.org/TAALK-A-THON.