Graduate psychologist, the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Philosophy, the University of Zagreb, 2014-2017

Academic degree: Psychologist, M.A.


SCAN (Scientific Content Analysis) statement analysis method, educator Avinoam Sapir, USA (2018), Beograd, Serbia

Attachment Based Family Therapy (ATBF), Zagreb (2018) , educator dr. Jody Russon, USA

Working with Parental Alienation – Understanding, Differentiation, Intervention) – Karen i Nick Woodall. Family Separation Clinic, UK, Zagreb, 2017 & 2019

The second level of training in cognitive-behavioural psychotherapeutic approach at the Croatian Association for Behavioural-Cognitive Therapies (2018 -)

Attachment and Trauma: Personality Development and Psychotherapy, London (2018)

Education Forensic Interviewing, CSD Maribor, Slovenia, 2017.

Training in the application of psychodiagnostic instruments (MMPI-2 and MMPI-A, PAI, Wartegg projective test, Bender Gestalt II, WISC IV)

Training in the field of abused and neglected children, approaching the abused child and supporting parenting, the Brave Phone and the Child and Youth Protection Centre of the City of Zagreb (2017-2019)

Psychological first aid training, Médecins du Monde, Zagreb, 2016


– Psychologist at the Child and Youth Protection Center of Zagreb (2017-)

Counselor (volunteer) at the Brave Phone help-line for children (2017-2019)

Volunteer at European Federation of Psychology Students Associations, Mind the mind – to Combat the Stigma of Mental Disorders”, Zagreb (2016-2017)

Leader of numerous workshops for children, educations and seminars for experts on the subject of child abuse and parental divorce


Coordinator of the research project “Online Social Experiences and Mental Health of Youth” (2018– 2020)

regular active participation in national and international conferences


Brave Phone

Croation Chamber of Psychology (HPK)

European Association of Parental Alienation Practitioners (EAPAP)

Croatian Society for Behavioural-Cognitive Psychotherapy (HUBIKOT)

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