FREE E-BOOK FOR MENTAL HEALTH EXPERTS: “CONNECTED – Phone and e-counseling in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic”

FREE E-BOOK FOR MENTAL HEALTH EXPERTS: “CONNECTED – Phone and e-counseling in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic”

Dear colleagues, daily work with children, youth and parents, as well as cooperation with other experts, in dealing with the uncertainty of a pandemic that threatens all aspects of our health, motivated us to create a book that will support professionals in providing psychological support in dealing with a pandemic and its consequences. On more than 200 pages, we have combined the most recent scientific research, recommendations of umbrella bodies and the experiences of experts from various fields of psychology and beyond. Created as a multidisciplinary view of support in the pandemic and beyond, through the collaboration of psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers, the book "Connected: Phone and e-counseling in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic" is our gift to mental health professionals and others interested, stemmed from the solidarity and fully voluntary engagement of all involved.
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WORKBOOK FOR CHILDREN: My superhero and me

WORKBOOK FOR CHILDREN: My superhero and me

Creative and educational materials can be a useful companion to respond to children’s needs, but also facilitate parenting. To this end, the authors are professor Gordana Buljan Flander, PhD, clinical psychologist - psychotherapist, Ana Raguž, MSc of Psychology and Krešimir Prijatelj, MSc of Psychology prepared workbook titled "My superhero and me" volume 32 pages intended for children of preschool and primary school age. In the workbook, children will get acquainted with the world of emotions through the world of imagination, their interests and desires, their understanding will be encouraged, and they will explore and find adequate ways of coping.
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The Zagreb Child and Youth Protection Center in cooperation with Brave Phone conducted a national survey in 2016 and 2017 on preschool children and their exposure to small screens, the results of which aroused significant interest from parents, educators and other professionals working with children and families. We are honored that in the June double issue of the Journal for interdisciplinary research in education, which has been published continuously since the 19th century, "Napredak" Vol. 161 No. 1-2, 2020 , published original scientific paper "Small children in front of screens: Croatia in relation to Europe and the world" authored by expert of the Zagreb Child and Youth Protection Center Mia Roje Đapić, MSc. of psychology, professor Gordana Buljan Flander, PhD and Ella Selak Bagarić, MSc. psychology which shows the screen time of Croatian preschoolers in relation to the screen time of children from other countries and gives us a new perspective.
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“Κάρτες για όταν βρέχει (και την κοινωνική αποστασιοποίηση) 55 ιδέες για οικογενειακές δραστηριότητες που ενισχύουν την επικοινωνία και την ψυχική ανθεκτικότητα” (Greek)

“Κάρτες για όταν βρέχει (και την κοινωνική αποστασιοποίηση) 55 ιδέες για οικογενειακές δραστηριότητες που ενισχύουν την επικοινωνία και την ψυχική ανθεκτικότητα” (Greek)

Greek edition of the “Cards for Rainy Days” entitled “Kártyák esős időre (és szociális távolságtartásra) 55 ötlet családi tevékenységekre, melyek a kapcsolatokat építik és a pszichológiai rezilienciát” (Cards for rainy days (and days of social distancing) – 55 ideas for family activities, which strengthen ties between members and increase mental resilience) in PDF. You can download them here: “"Κάρτες για όταν βρέχει (και την κοινωνική αποστασιοποίηση) 55 ιδέες για οικογενειακές δραστηριότητες που ενισχύουν την επικοινωνία και την ψυχική ανθεκτικότητα" (PDF)
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“Kártyák esős időre (és szociális távolságtartásra) 55 ötlet családi tevékenységekre, melyek a kapcsolatokat építik és a pszichológiai rezilienciát” (Hungarian)

“Kártyák esős időre (és szociális távolságtartásra) 55 ötlet családi tevékenységekre, melyek a kapcsolatokat építik és a pszichológiai rezilienciát” (Hungarian)

Hungarian edition of the “Cards for Rainy Days” entitled "Kártyák esős időre (és szociális távolságtartásra) 55 ötlet családi tevékenységekre, melyek a kapcsolatokat építik és a pszichológiai rezilienciát" (Cards for rainy days (and days of social distancing) – 55 ideas for family activities, which strengthen ties between members and increase mental resilience) in PDF. You can download them here: "Kártyák esős időre (és szociális távolságtartásra) 55 ötlet családi tevékenységekre, melyek a kapcsolatokat építik és a pszichológiai rezilienciát" (PDF)
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“Картички за дождливи денови  (и социјалното растојание) 55 идеи за активности во семејството кои ги поврзуваати градат психолошка отпорност” (Macedonian)

“Картички за дождливи денови (и социјалното растојание) 55 идеи за активности во семејството кои ги поврзуваати градат психолошка отпорност” (Macedonian)

Macedonian edition of the “Cards for Rainy Days” entitled “Картички за дождливи денови (и социјалното растојание) 55 идеи за активности во семејството кои ги поврзуваати градат психолошка отпорност“ (Cards for rainy days (and days of social distancing) – 55 ideas for family activities, which strengthen ties between members and increase mental resilience) in PDF. You can download them here: Картички за дождливи денови (и социјалното растојание) (PDF)
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