24 sata: “No child has become violent for no reason at all. They lack love, they could be victims of violence”
Review article: “Cyberbullying among Children and Youth: A Review of Prevention Programs”
Youth Committee: What do young people want adults to know about peer violence?
Effects of bullying: what can parent do
Exposure to violence may have many consequences, like: loneliness, depression, sadness, intimidation, uncertainty, low self-confidence, even sickness, present throughout life. Findings show that victims of bullying at school are more depressed at the age of twenty than those who were not victimised by bullying.
Why do children start behaving violently?
There is no simple answer to this question. However, there are some characteristics of the family and the child which affect the development of violent behaviour, as well as some characteristics of schools which may encourage or prevent violence.
Recognising a bully
Bullies need to feel control and power over others and sometimes lack empathy for their victims. They are defiant, confronting adults, antisocial, and tend to break school rules.
How to help the victim of peer bullying
We talk about peer bullying when one or more children deliberately and repeatedly disturb, attack, hurt or exclude from play and activity a child who cannot defend. Such abuse may have the form of threats, physical injuries, exclusion, mockery, teasing, gossiping, taking property, destroying property and is often followed by unpleasant comments about the child's family or relatives